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April 16*2003, 12:34 am

spring is here!

i love spring. i do not, however, love my allergies that come with it. i am dying. its times like these that make me wish i had insurance. my dad is trying to scam me some allegra or zyrtec or something but not having any luck. boooo! hisss! mike looked into us getting a domestic partnership and his work won't cover me- only same sex couples. bullshit! all of this adds up to no meds for me.

i babysat tonight- which added a cat to the seasonal allergies and i was DYING. i literally had my head out a window at some point just to try and catch my breath. lily was in some evil mood tonight. the mood to do everything bad and cry non stop. she even drew on the couch. and this was 2 seconds after i took a crayon out of her hand- i guess she was hiding one. oh wells. good thing they have washable cushions.

i have to get up tomorrow and make chicken soup with matzoh balls for passover dinner tomorrow night. joy! i am so not looking forward to cutting up and de-skinning/boning a chicken. i have made it a life goal to never have to do that- looks like another one goes down the drain. oh well. its just how the times worked out.

spring fever has also made me very in LOOOOVEEEEE. i don't know what it is. i am very starry eyed. i think its the nice weather. and the fact that mike is super hot and has been really extra nice lately. everything is electric. i feel like the long winter made everything static. this is much better.

i am so psyched for my interviews!

i am so nervous about the rock n roll show. its just two lame covers, but still, i am so freaking nervous. this past sunday we had a rehearsal and none of the other singer/guitar people showed so terry had sharona and i sing "living on a prayer" and "november rain." turns out i LOVE power ballads. love love love. now sharon is playing guitar on november rain for the actual show. rock! living on a prayer had so much screaming- it was good, but hard on the vocal chords. and sharon and i are girls and we can get no where near as high as jon bon jovi. shameful.

i made a poster for the show.

i keep changing little things here and there- i am too anal. i vow to leave it as is for now.

i gotta get my beauty sleep.

goodnight journal. sleep tight.

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