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April 05, 2002, 12:34 pm yesterday i made an entry about tennis. i intended to write about how i am embarrassed about stretching in public. and then last night realized that i ended up going off on tangents and never even mentioning that.

first off, i find stretching funny. everyone looks ridiculous doing it, but i am by no means flexible, so i look even worse. i feel like that if you stretch before, you better be awesome. like you give yourself something to live up to by getting into the stretching.

little known fact- andre agassi did not believe in stretching...."did" until he hurt himself really badly a few years ago and was told it could have been prevented by stretching. turns out he was just abusing his body. oops.

so i try to stretch, but mask it with some other activity. like i stretch my arms as i walk to where i am going. and stretch my legs when i put my things down. smooth. and cool down in the privacy of my own home. this way no one gets the free entertainment of watching me stretch, and believe me, it is entertaining.

secondly, i had not remembered my old soccer coach in a long time and someone just told me that he sounded like a good character. here's some more about him.

coach papke.

he was only about 25, and not even a teacher at the school but the son of a teacher at the school- fair game to many teenage girls tired of the teenage boys surrounding them, but not quite ballsy enough to go for a teacher. he was the head of the christian group at my school too, and at one practice mentioned that he was "saving himself for marriage" which seemed to sadden many of my teammates who were considerable less "christian" than he was (wink wink).

he was actually a really good coach, and when i was on his junior varsity team we had an almost unbeaten record- while the varsity team was struggling to win two games over the course of the entire season. their coach was considerably less appealing. he was a married asian man in his 30s who taught history. he was an amazing player- but did nothing for the girl's hormones. maybe if he was younger and more accessible, while remaining unaccessible enough to be mysterious forbidden fruit, they would have won more games.

i never had a thing for coach papke.

i always had the balls to like teachers.

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