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March 22* 2005, 10:46 pm
i remembered something from the weekend. and the fact that i forgot it in the first place is going to make me look like a first class asshole.

my mom called me to tell me she has cancer. yeah, in her uterus. she has to go in for surgery in april.

i know this is sad and everything but here's the thing: she has lied about having cancer before. she lied about it to get attention. so it is hard for me to believe her. i know she has lady problems (like 30 days of period) and always has had weird stuff but since she lied i just don't know.

i don't know if i'd rather she was lying or not. i guess either way is pretty terrible.

here's the other thing: i totally seek negative attention out sometimes. i think i got this from my mom. i don't do it often but i do it enough to cringe when i think about it later.

and something that happened today: today there was full on porn being posted and oogled in my office today. no more soft core. no way.

"that's too much ass" was something said about some desktop wallpaper today.


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