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April 01* 2004, 11:16 pm

april fool's day. what a sham day. i have never actually been pranked. just those lies that people tell and then say "april fools!" afterward. you know, "school's cancelled because the principal went crazy!"...."april fools!"

no saran wrap on the toilets or anything that you see on tv. sham!

my temp job was extended until next friday. i was supposed to work on the movie on sunday but they just called to say that it won't be until next week and next weekend. yes, they called at 11pm. that's showbiz!

this website that i have written for asked me to be a regular contributor of a column done blog style. i sent in my first one yesterday and i am nervous that it hasn't been approved yet. they hate me! i am sure of it!

i am exhausted and my uterus hurts. pipe down! sometimes i wonder if my uterus realizes that it will never do me any good and gets sad. don't worry uterus. you help keep my lady hormones up...until the day i have to get all my lady parts removed in a horrible surgery (as do most women in my family). so stop hurting me!

my finger tips on my left hand are peeling off because of all the guitar playing i have done lately. i am such a rockstar. geez louise. i have to practice a bunch this weekend, speaking of rock.

also, plan to stop biting fingernails lasted 3 weeks but sadly ended yesterday. i have fallen off the wagon...again. poor nubbies. i will start again. i am determined!

time to lay down.

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