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May 08, 2002, 11:22 pm my entries are more and more sporadic these days.

well. let's see. let's see.

had my "hearing" with unemployment today. it was weird. i totally didn't prepare (as i never really knew what i was supposed to do). it was like a debate tournament, only much shorter and not at the butt crack of dawn on a saturday. and at the end the judge said i was "well spoken" and thanked me for being prepared. this was also like debate- i rarely prepared, and the less i prepared, the more i seemed to win. which makes me hopeful that the judge will find in my favor. (fingers crossed)

highlight of the hearing- unemployment lawyer objects and the judge says "you can object if you want to- but i'm continuing anyway" (in response to an answer i gave to a question- go me!)

it was my friend's birthday yesterday- and he celebrated it with a hot meat injection- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRY JINN.

i missed the dinner, but got there in time for presents and dessert- which is really the whole point anywho. when i got there people looked very full and like they were having a good time. mike was even pretty tipsy (a rarity for mike). i was a little worried the day before when news of his weirdo ex being at the shindig came out. but he said he didn't care etc... it's just that she has a knack for making slightly awkward situations totally unbearable. but if he didn't care, i didn't bother caring. and we had a good time. and it seemed like terry had fun. i really couldn't tell.

then mike was sick ALL NIGHT LONG. seems like some kind of food poisoning. so much vomit....so much vomit.

when i was about 14 i was at home and i was sick and didn't quite make it to the bathroom- but about 3/4 of the way up the stairs.... oops. and my dad's girlfriend cleaned it up. i felt really badly when i saw her cleaning it up- "how gross" i thought. but she said "oh its no big deal". which i simply did not believe.

well, i have cleaned up mike throw up now and it really was no big deal. i didn't even think about it until later. i just did it and worried about him being sick. weird. i guess that means i could totally clean up after my kids now. test passed.

i have been working for three weeks now on this documentary. it is pretty mindless work and i have taken to playing a lot of computer solitaire to pass the nervous hand energy around. but it's kinda nice to do mindless work when you're nuts. takes a load off. lets your brain rest. i'm kidding.....sort of.

saw belle and sebastian on sunday night and it was such a great show. it's been a while since a show made my heart feel like that. amazing. period.

i've been sleeping a lot lately.

and i LOVE IT.

nighty night world.

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