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2002-02-05, 3:33 p.m. whoops- i totally forgot about this thign yesterday. maybe i was actually busy at work. i doubt that. i mean, i am now but i am choosing to do this instead.

F work.

i am so sick of my job.

it does seem to be getting better lately. but not better enough. and not with a pay increase. as soon as i am settled i am going to start a hard core job search.


what's the point of all these high powered contacts i have if i never actually make them work for me.

and its only making things worse that the last feature i worked on is out in theaters now- just reminding me that i have a stupid job on a show i dont watch or care about. so lame.

i still am wondering why i went to college. it's yet to make any difference in my professional life. other than people saying "ahh, (insert college name here) what was that like- i've never known anyone who went there"

yet i just recently applied to grad. school. why? who knows. just one more thing to do i guess. i'm retarded.

the move is over i guess. now we just have to organize, put some stuff together, unpack, and paint. then we'll be done. i'm thinking it will be sometime next year before that happens.


i bought this stupid table for the t.v. and i thought i'd be all handy and stain it last night then put it together.

it ended up just looking like poo.

it was so frustrating and actually pretty hard to do.

all for nothing.

and then mike gets home and says "whoa, whats wrong with the shelf? did you do it right?" and then proceeds to give me tips on staining. he's never stained a single thing in his whole life! i was so annoyed. i just want it done and out of my hair. hopefully what i do tonight works. otherwise i am throwing that ugly thing out the window- and mike can try his hand at buy a table and i can make fun of his ability to make it look decent.

i was so upset- i just cried and took a shower and went to bed.

then woke up in the night because i couldn't stop sneezing.

so, i'm still cranky and annoyed, and just spent more money on that goddamned table.

and will spend another entire night working on it.

and mike is still trying to find someone to take over his lease. so he's busy every night showing it to people.

which means that i will be doing everything by myself, which is okay, but not that great. its not his fault though. he really wants to be done with it too. more than i want it. it just stinks is all. and it really makes the rearranging/furniture moving/unpacking go slow at the new place. it's like everything is on hold. which is also very frustrating.

one cool thing has been these felt things we got at home depot that you put on the bottom of furniture to protect your floor. they're sweet! and so convenient. they even make furniture easier to move.

yes. i am lame.

but atleast i have beautiful floors!

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