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November 10* 2003, 11:53 pm

i have truly become that person i hate. that person on their cell phone. yep i got a cell phone. for work. but does that really make it better?

mike and i got the "family plan" because its saving us 20+ dollars a month. am i weird for finding things like that stressful? like now we are bound together by a phone plan, might as well be barefoot and pregnant. i am dramatic. but i did get a little antsy about it when we were signing up. to which mike asked "how would it work if we broke up?" and i said "we would just go on separate plans and pay more" "oh, thats easy enough". so i guess that's settled. he never seems nervous about those things. why am i so nervous about everything coupley?

there is a part of me that is very embarrassed to have a boyfriend and even more embarrassed to act like things are going great. i wonder why that is.

we were supposed to sign up for couple's counciling like 2 months ago and still haven't. but honestly i have been SWAMPED and havent had any time to find a person and settle on a time we could both do it with someone we could both afford. and now we are studying for the GRE and holiday planning and mike has a script to finish and i have 3-4 jobs. i think it will have to wait until after the holidays. it's waited 2 years, what's another month or two.

goodnight world.

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