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May 16, 2002, 11:38 am my dad has had the same girlfriend since i was in 10th grade approximately. they have had their ups and their downs. and i have had my ups and my downs with her. i never liked her kids and i let the world know. my dad made it clear that he could do whatever he wanted and it was not up to my sister or me who he dated. fine. even though it seemed like he didn't like her kids much either. i also wondered why she was with him- she changed a lot. my dad seems to have that effect on women. but then she stuck around. even moved into his house with her kids once me and my sister were gone. i even worked for her one summer in the worst job i've ever had. she was nice to us. she even got gutsier when she moved in and started sticking up for us if dad was mad or beating the crap out of us. before she would just hide in the other room and cover her kids ears. then my dad had a breakdown. he started crying all the time. he went to therapy and they went together. since then he has been a lot easier to get along with. but she left this past weekend. moved out. she finished college on saturday (she had gone back to school) and she moved out on sunday. he didn't tell me of course- but everyone else did. thank god for big mouth relatives.

it's weird. he's 45 years old and he's never lived alone. he grew up in a two bedroom house with 8 brothers and sisters. moved to america with friends. married my mom and had two kids immediately and we have been with him ever since. then his girlfriend moved in with her two kids. now my sister and i are adults and he's all alone at 45. it makes me really sad.

it's also been nice that for the past few years i have know what to expect when i go home for christmas- almost a family. now i will go back and he'll be there by himself with the dog and maybe some new lady he's dating. and we have to start all over again. i finally see the perk to having parents that stay together and are somewhat stable. it's nice to feel somewhat secure in life.

no wonder i assume everyone leaves. in my life everyone does, sooner or later.

my mom's husband left this weekend too. but that's a whole other story and no one cares about him- good riddance! but still, i have two single parents who aren't even old. i don't think that i want to still be dating when i am 45. i got sick of that by 20. dating stinks.

i hope my dad isn't as lonely as i picture him being.

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