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June 26*2002, 2:41 pm

today shall hereforth referred to as : BED DAY.

since no one (even though many people took my number off of the flyers i left around town) took the damn futon- we were stuck with it.

so we woke up early and plopped it on the curb with a sign that said "free" on it.

when we did this at the butt crack of dawn- it was sunny and stiflingly hot.

then a freak thunderstorm hit around midday. at some point the north windows had sunlight coming in and the south windows were pitch black. this made me feel like i was in the middle of an elaborate prank.

now it is sunny again- which probably means the futon is all soggy and sad out on the curb. if no one takes it tomorrow we will drop it off at the thrift store (it was not open today).

the new bed. hmmmm where to start. it is very nice and wicked comfortable. but it seems higher than most beds. like when i sit down on it my feet dont touch the ground. maybe i have just had short beds for too long. i dont know. it's weirding me out. i have contemplated taking away the box spring (but apparently that is necessary) and the frame (apparently that helps keep away roaches) and am back to square one.

we'll see what mike thinks when he gets home.

i have to go buy house stuff but have been putting it off until the storm passed.

i realized today that sometimes i do not mention that i have a boyfriend to certain people for fear that it will turn them off. mike once accused me of this a long long time ago. and at the time he was wrong. i just have a problem with the term "boyfriend". it makes me think i am in high school and someone likes me. ooh la la. what scandal.

but i do do it.

very seldom but still.... hmmm...

time to go out into the world!

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