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April 18, 2002, 11:20 pm i actually fell asleep last night.

not that bullshit sleep i have been having.

the kind where i am half awake but drifting, then awake, then drifting and so on.

but i didn't get to sleep until 3 or 4 am.

damn brain.

so i thought "hey, i'll sleep in a little."

just as i thought that, heavy jackhammering started outside. and my upstairs neighbor who is moving, just started throwing his stuff around and jumping up and down- at least that is what it sounded like.

so i got up.

the plan was to finish painting the living room this morning- but i did not move the love seat by that wall, due to a strange leg injury.

so nix that one.

something i have learned.

mike is not good at talking.

it is just not his forte.

yet i had an argument with his brother yesterday and he managed to say the exact right thing immediately and fix it.

mike has never said the right thing, about anything.

he says good things and nice things, but when it comes to arguments he just says the exact opposite of the right thing.

i guess, i know that, so i shouldn't take it personally.

but i do.

and when things are good- he says amazing things.

what the crap?!?

it's like he goes autistic as soon as there is a problem.

chapter 136 of my frustrating life....

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